Spring Is Here!


Spring has sprung (despite the late snow on the ground)! Don’t let those nagging body aches and pains prevent you from your Spring Cleaning. 

With the air warming, the snow melting, and the sun shining, it’s hard to stay cooped up inside any longer. With the after effect of Grande Prairie winters, our front yards are covered with gravel, backyards covered in snow mold, and plantar boxes flower-less. As your prep your home and yard for this annual spring clean, here are some tips to help prevent aches and pains from stopping you: 

  1. Slow and steady – don’t try to tackle all tasks in one day or weekend. Check the weather (because we all know that it’s going to snow again in April), pick the warmer days to rake the grass in sections and cooler days to sweep behind the kitchen appliances. 
  2. Take many rest breaks! As we fatigue, our form during lifting, reaching, raking, etc. will surely deteriorate. This makes us susceptible to low – back strains and shoulder problems. So, lift from the hips and squeeze the shoulder blades together in the back, and rest frequently. 
  3. Modify as needed. Sometimes we just want to do the same task, the same way we always have. But that doesn’t mean our body’s strength and stamina are the same. Small tweaks of how you perform a task can make a world of difference for its ease. 
  4. Need help? See one of physiotherapists to address any aches and pains before your deep cleaning begins to prevent a small issue from being aggravated into a bigger issue. 

We wish you a healthy and happy spring! 

Visit Kinesis Physical Therapy and let’s get you moving!

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